»This is a serious problem

22 Feb, 2011

I Need Help!

24 Feb, 2011

Its a matter to worry.....

Whenever a person is in Depression, most of the people take it lightly and they think that if we will leave that person alone then he will recover himself or they feel that its not a big issue and in spite of helping the depressed person's problems they themselves become a problem for him and in this way nobody gives attention to the needy one and thus the situation become worst. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), of every 100,000 young people in each age group, the following number died by suicide in 2007:

  • Children ages 10 to 14 — 0.9 per 100,000
  • Adolescents ages 15 to 19 — 6.9 per 100,000

Around 33,300 Americans commit suicide every year. People should be aware of this serious problem and if they know someone undergoing through this problem then  its a duty of them to help them,to guide them for mankind. Leaving that person alone in that worst condition could be dangerous because a depressed mind doesn't have the ability to think what is right and what is wrong. It can result in suicide or any other harmful activity.

24 Feb, 2011

Suicide Attempts : Cry for help?

It is believed that suicide attempts are a way of demanding help and our team too agree with this. But it does not mean that every suicide attempt will be cry for help. Research says that most of the suicide attempts do not get help and becomes succesful suicide attemps. About 17% of teens from our survey audience have felt for commiting suicide in thier lifes.

24 Feb, 2011


Suicide - Third leading cause of death among teens (15 to 18 years)

Depression and suicide are closely related. Thoughts for suicide and suicidal attempt is the major symptom of depression. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) says that about 90% of all the suicides are related to depression. 

1 of Every 8 Teens suffers from depression and when the depression develops it unfortunatly creates thought of suicide.

22 Feb, 2011

Please don't!

5 Feb, 2011

Teens with Drugs and Alcohol

Our parents has this mentality that if the adolescents are using drugs and alcohol then the reason of doing so is to fit better between their peers and to show them how cool they are, how stud they are…

Parents also think that the astray type teens are habitual of taking drugs and alcohol to entertain themselves but they miss a deep thought behind this issue. Is it necessary that a particular teen is using theses dangerous things for the self-enjoyment? He might be using that to reduce the effect of depression…. The situation of depression is so painful that one feels helpless to overcome from that dreadful situation, he cried, sometimes he want a person with him to share his feelings and if nobody comes to him he takes the drugs… the drug gives him artificial relaxation and a kind of beautiful sensation, which is so beautiful that cannot be defined. So, in order to recover from the evil feelings and thoughts he has no other choice except taking the help of drugs and alcohol. His mind is so badly trapped in the webs of depression and stress that it unable to think how bad the drugs are, that they takes the life of one who uses them….

The main cause of drug addiction

It's not because they like sticking needles in their arms. in fact they love the experience which they get from drugs. and they don't know any other method to reach that state. that's why the person, who are not satisfied with their current state of mind, are more inclined to indulge in drugs. the new state of mind induced by the drugs gives them a feeling of well-being and they don't want to get out of it.   

22 Feb, 2011
