»Brief Solutions

13 Feb, 2011

Depression can't defeat me

19 Feb, 2011

Brief Solutions

Although its treatment also depends on the will power of the victim. If the victim wants to overcome it, Depression can be easily cured. However it is not that easy for a victim to take any curable steps while he/she is undergoing depression, but can try following steps

1.By dividing work into smaller parts

2.By engaging in social activities that he/she like

3.Postpone important decision while one is in Depression, it might effect his/her decision, so its better to postpone it.

4.Spend time with close friends and relatives, in order to engage your mind.

These Depression self help techniques help in converting negative thoughts into positive and thus can help a teen in recovery by regaining sleep and apetite.

19 Feb, 2011

Common depression treatments

Depression can be treated through a number of ways, although all options are equaly effective. Now let us understand these treatments one by one that how much they are effective.


It is a group or organisation of people that intent to help people from depression and suicide. They help people though emergency helplines or through online support service. They try to provide a environment in which people can share thier experience and thoughts so that they could offer support to those people.

If you are in India you can call a 24x7 emergency helpline

( Aasra ) - 91-22-27546669

Aasra  aims to help, prevent, and manage mental illness by providing voluntary, professional and essentially confidential care and support to the depressed & the suicidal.


19 Feb, 2011

Depression treatments

We talked about symptoms of depression earlier. If you are having few of those symptoms, then how to tackle those easily?

Let's observe the easy and effective solutions and start applying it on our daily lives. Depression is treatable medicational as well as non-medicational. But why medicinal treatment if non-medicinal is effective? Well, non-medicational is very effective as proven scientifically and avoiding as much as medicine in our life is very important for healthy life. Medicinal therapy of depression or any kind of disease is useful at the time when person is crucially affected and need quick treatments. So, we will be disscusing here both the therapies.

Change in Lifestyle

This is the best solution you can do to overcome stress and depression, non-medicinally. Firstly plan a schedule for each day like sleeping time and walking time etc. Try never to break the schedule, like even if you are tired never wake up late. After some days the tiredness at that time everyday will go away.

Do not watch TV, Computer, radio or other digital gadgets at the time of sleep.

Secondly, Stricktly avoid caffeine substances like, tea, coffee, alcohol etc .

24 Feb, 2011

Suicide help

Let's observe this real story. We recieved this in our survey. We asked to share their stories related to suicide and this is one of it.


"I felt like committing suicide because of....ah...well... LOTS of things...they all struck me at the same time... It was a bit hard to face... my marks... my performance in class, my fading friends, a broken heart, temporary loss of my big brother....they all kept really bothering me... but now, I realize that suicides are simply the STUPIDEST thing... I mean there's always a way out... or you have to make your way... just like I did... what really kept me going was a GREAT Inspiring thought- "THIS TOO WILL PASS"...it was my savior... but hey... I have to say it, I thought of doing the suicide...( I ONLY THOUGHT!!) but I'm sure that I would NEVER commit a suicide at that time... I only thought.... if I had done it, I WOULD HAVE MISSED EVERYTHING & EVERYONE."

Even rahul was suffering from lots of pain and the hard time of life he never let the negative feelings came in his life. It is quite normal that the person develops thoughts of suicide when he is suffering from depression. But if a person dare to face it with power, the hard time passes quickly. We should never lose the hope and never forget the value of LIFE.

Closed | 19 Feb, 2011

Few simple but powerful ideas

Here are few simple things you can do to cope mental stress.
We recieved this from our target audience during our survey.

  • Smriti:
    "Talk to nature or share your feelings with whom you trust the most"
    25 Dec, 2010


  • Nadiya:
    "Playing musical instruments and singing songs can help a lot"
    25 Dec, 2010


  • Few Teens:
    "One can relief his/her heart by crying"
    25 Dec, 2010


  • Sagrika B:
    "Write all feelings on a page and throw it away in sea or in dustbin"
    25 Dec, 2010