»Depression Myths VS. Facts

19 Feb, 2011


19 Feb, 2011


Depression has now become so common that myths for depression are rapidly flourishing. People had made some frame of mind for depression which often results in more complexity to the victim. It is therefore very important to separate these common facts and myths. Thus there is a need of the time to consult everyone about it by eliminating the layer of myths from facts. 

Below are the most common myths of people which triggers the most. These are most extensive myths which are totaly fictitious. Unfortunatly these myths keep away the sufferer to be treated easily. We can point this as most dominant reasons of teenage suicide in the world. So why not we become fast on the draw for it? Start educating yourself as well as your friends and relatives about this topic to abolish this myth mask from facts in order to help your loved-ones, suffering from any kind of depression. Check out the top five myths below

23 Jan, 2011

MYTH 1 - Teens Don't get Depressed

Teenage is a very complicated stage of life. We have already discussed that teenage brings so many physical and hormonal changes and at the same time, social pressure. So there are more chances that teen may get depressed. Statistics says that depression occur in teen just as much as in adults. Also, depression in female teens is affected twice as much as male teen. Still it is assumed that teens do not get depressed, but the stats shows a different face.

Still do not believe it's a myth?

For a genuine proof of this statements, check out these facts

"The National Institute of Mental Health reports eight out of every 100,000 adolescents die from teen suicide annually, with more than half gun-related. One in 12 teens has attempted suicide in the past year, and almost one in five has considered it."

Within this myth it is also believed that the person who tells someone that he is thinking of commiting suicide just wanted to get attention of all towards him and can never do it. That is why most of the suicide attempts becomes succesfuly suicide. Consequently suicide has now reached the third place as a leading cause of death among teens.

22 Feb, 2011

No one cares for my feelings....

19 Feb, 2011

MYTH 2 - Depression will not stay for long

Most of the people believe that depression is not a real illness and it will just go away because nothing can be done for its treatment. The common reason that this myth is flourishing rapidly is that depression has no instant fix, It requires great care. That is why people start considering it to be normal. They start believing that it will not stay for long and the sufferer will be fine soon. But Research says that depression can even run throught the life until and unless the person do not attempt suicide. These myths are also responsible for increasing suicide rates in the world.

18 Feb, 2011

MYTH 3 - Depression is just a mental weakness

The most circulating myth about depression is "Depression is a mental weakness" seen easily. They says that depression is caused due to mental weakness. It cannot be possible in Highly intelligent or highly accomplished people. They even says that it is possible only to those who are mentally weak or unfit.

Here is a powerful evidence for all those who have such thinking:

Research has shown that a number of famous celebrities suffered from depression in their lifes. Suffering from depression had not made any difference in their greatness. They include:

  1. Abraham Lincoln
  2. Buzz Aldrin
  3. Charles Darwin
  4. Princess Diana
  5. Sir Isaac Newton  

All these famous people shared their stories about how depression trapped them and how they struggled. Check out our page "Depression Stories" to know briefly about few of these stories.

23 Jan, 2011

MYTH 4 - Depression is normal

One of the myth related to depression is that Depression is just a normal response. People believe that it is a weekness rather than a real illness and so nothing can be done about it. They consider it to be just a "Change in mood" that will be recovered of thier owns. It is obvious that everyone experiences change in mood and recover from it by owns. But depression is totaly non-related to this.

Depression is a real medical illness existing with its particular symptoms. According to depression statistics reported by the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance 1 out of 8 teenagers suffer from depression. You would have also observed the statistics in our first page and now if someone define depression as Normal, you will definatly disagree with that person. Isn't it?

19 Feb, 2011

I Am Alone

19 Feb, 2011

MYTH 5 - Depression is Incurable

Ok now once again recall the term Depression, "Depression is a feeling of unhappiness and lack of hope for the future". One of the most significant symptoms is that the depressed person feels no hope for recovery.This is also a major myth about depression. He consider it to be incurable. But observing it scientificaly, there are so many powerful treatments that can be adopted which are prooven to be effective. For example, Psycotherapies, Medicinal therapies and TMS therapies. You can see the various depression treatments option in our page "Brief Solutions" in which few are very easy and effective. Our team hardly recommend you to first try these simply and effecting treatments