»Let's tweak this out!

13 Feb, 2011

We care for you

Closed | 9 Dec, 2010

Q3 Most basic problems in teenage life

These questions are from our target audience.
We raised these Questions in interviews with our experts and following were the great solutions for them.

  • Question:

    Sometimes my parents do not understand my feelings and emotions. They sometime scold me without any reason. My friends also not cooperate with me.
    2 Jan, 2011

  • Question:

    I honestly feels sometime that i have no value and no talent. It stricks me everyday.
    2 Jan, 2011

  • Question:

    My academic performance is decreasing. I'm easily distracted by something else. My family doesn't like my other qualities. They want me to do my best in my academics and study. I'm doing it....... and I'm still trying.
    9 Nov, 2010

  • Question:

    I am in class 11th and it's really difficult for me to manage my school studies and coaching...there's many things like parent's expectations, peer pressure.. i want to fulfil every thing.
    9 Nov, 2010

  • Question:

    Hello... I feel extremely tired nowadays, I dont like talking much and i have reduced my diet too ... I escape from my meals most often!!! even after being fully prepared for the exams, i feel extremely nervous...and...not only is this in the case of exams...but, i get very much nervous in crowds...i like remaining lonely...always! How can i overcome this? plz help...
    9 Nov, 2010

9 Dec, 2010

Q10, Ways to overcome stress

Few more:- see the beautiful scenery in the window during the afternoon
23 Jan, 2011

You can help too!

Yes! Family, friend or relatives can help!

The most important thing to remember is never be a mythology person. After observing our page "Depression Myths Vs Facts" you may now easily seprate myth and facts. So, only important thing to help protect our closed ones from depression is keeping him away from mythology people.

Second most improtant help can be emotional support to the sufferer. Engaging with the sufferer and encourageing that person is very effective help one can do. As depressed person often feels helplessness and exhuasted, it is very much possible that the person will desire to have some emotional support. If you involve with the sufferer he/she will surely share feelings before taking any wrong step like commiting suicide. This can effectively improve the sufferer's condition.

Closed | 25 Dec, 2010

Alternative ideas by some Teens

Here are some easy and simple tips to reduce stress and depression.
These are few selected messages which we got from our target audience.

  • Sakshi:
    I will suggest never to complicate life for small reasons. Instead we should take care of our health and try to have sound sleep. Education is the most important part of life, we should always concentrate on it.
    9 Jan, 2011


  • Nisha:
    Never argue with the parents. It is the best powerful solution that you follow what the elders says. Also do regular meditation it really improves the mental thinking.
    2 Jan, 2011


  • Priyanka:
    Do friendship with your friends. No any other person trust you that much then your parents. Always share your feelings, your problems with them. You will feel better.
    2 Jan, 2011


  • Pragati:
    I will suggest that god gives only one chance to live and we should live it cheerfully. I believe that teens life is the best age period of life. Never get stressed on what other people says.
    2 Jan, 2011


  • M Arjun:
    "I suggest all to read the book "POWER OF THE SUBCONCIOUS MIND" by Robin Sharma, a very good book. It helps to control emotions and stress. It really works!. It helped me too."
    25 Dec, 2010


24 Feb, 2011



We should always take suicidal behaviours seriously. If you observe someone to be suicidal, do not leave him or her alone. Try to get closed to that person by listening and talking and encouraging him or her for geting help. Always try to keep eyes on the teen so as he may not reach the suicidal materials. But remember not to stick with the person everytime, this may irritate him.