»Meet the Tweakers (About our team)

18 Feb, 2011

Meet Our Team (Our adventerous journey)

Well, now we are going to share our venture of ThinkQuest International Competition, in which we went through many sweet, bitter, enjoyable, comprehending episodes. 

Embarkation of the project

We were introduced to this competition by our team leader Ashish. After apprehending all knowledge about this competition, we made our group but all the members were from different class. So first of all there was a problem regarding our assembly but somehow we commanded our free periods in such a way that we were having no clash of teaching periods. Spare time was limited and we have to complete our routine school work corresponding to our project work. Secondly, we didn't have an apt place for our sound discussions , or should say a fixed place where we could sit and can discuss about the tasks of the project with full concentration. Finally we got a place which was neither too much crowded nor too much disturbing and that was our school's Physics laboratory. We made a corner reserved for ourselves for everyday. That was the place where we felt fully satisfied after discussing about our project. After some days, the rules of thinkquest arrived and we designed our schedule and divided the whole work to the team members according to their abilities. 


We have taken the burning topic, that is seen frequently and needs to be hit upon. The problems of stress and depression in teens are nowadays very common but somehow it is not fully recognized by the locality.

At our personal level also, we too faced some situations of life that made us highly stressed. In our school, so many cases were there, some of us were aware and also tried to help those needy ones including some teachers and students. But we were doing at a very small level. Then we came to know about the competition announced by Thinkquest. We then planned to participated and spread knowledge regarding the topic interestingly.

We were relaxed after preparing our schedule and were thinking that all will be completed by the fixed time but it was not that easy. As we were one of the senior classes of the school and thus most of the subject teachers always advised us not to participate in extra curricular activities. But some other teachers were like a candle in the dark room, they taught us about the time management and developed our confidence. In the mean time so many emotional and challenging problems came in front of us, sometimes we even cried but we all tackled the problems together.
The time that we were facing during the project was very memorable and unforgettable and each of us has learnt something special from this experience.

"Thank You ThinkQuest For Imparting Us Such An Amazing Competition! It Was A Matchless Experience For All Of Us Working In This Competition" - Teens Tweakers

18 Feb, 2011

Ms. Harpreet Kaur :

  • Role


  • My Introduction

    Hi, My name is Harpreet Kaur. I am employed as a teacher in this school and teach English to primary classes. Teaching is my passion and I have been into this wonderful profession for the last 10 years. I like working in ThinkQuest a lot and this year I have got a chance to coach a team in ThinkQuest International Competition.

  • My Contribution

    Being coach of the team I use to boost up all the team members at every step of climbing the ladder. I helped the team conduction survey in school and interviews with experts. I guided the team members regularly and helped them managing time for project and studies.

  • My Experience

    I enjoyed a lot working with such supertalented team members. Everyone in the team was unique of his own. It was first time for me to coach a team for International level for which I was neverous at starting. But things gone very well as the time passed and it was tremendously unbelievable that we reached the top, where we expected for.

14 Feb, 2011

Ashish :

  • Role

    Team Leader & Media Developer

  • My Introduction

    Hi! Myself Ashish, Leading Teens Tweakers. I have a great passion working on computer since last 5 years. I and my two friends Sachin and Shubham also participated last year but that time we were not much aware of building a impressive project entry profile. After the results, a dream build up in me to achieve that place. When the competition was just going to be announced i met three new friends and we all planned to participate this time with a brand new spirit. I enjoy working in team, planning schedules and sticking with it and this quality helped our team working systematically and accurately.

  • My Contribution

    I provided emotional support to the team most of the time when we the team members were in complications. Leading the team was not that much easy for me when there was a pressure of secondary exams. It was a challenging experience for me to overcome it and i think i succeed in it. Apart from leading the team, i use to create graphics and illusion for our project to make it even more attractive. I also had a hobby of photography and editing it using Adobe Photoshop. This helped our team creating original materials for our entry. I also contributed in writing and editing. A best thing i done that i can't forget was creating that mini documentary. I was myself surprised to see the video when it was finally created.

  • My Experience

    Well, words are not enough for me to express my experience.... This competition not just given me a fantastic experience but have also given me some awesome friends. The journey was very adventurous for all of us.

14 Feb, 2011


  • Role

    Project Demonstrator & Writer

  • My Introduction

    Explain Briefly later

  • My Contribution

    Explain Briefly later

  • My Experience

    Explain Briefly later

14 Feb, 2011


  • Role

    Editor & Writer

  • My Introduction

    Explain Briefly later

  • My Contribution

    Explain Briefly later

  • My Experience

    Explain Briefly later

19 Feb, 2011


  • Role

    Media Developer

  • My Introduction

    Hi, My name is Sachin. My role is Media Developer that I know more about computer next to Ashish and my hobby is too exploring internet so team choose my this role. We also participate last year as Ashish told you that we are not aware but now we are ready to compete around the globe.

  • My Contribution

    My comtribution is not just a contribution it was also a way of learning new things that I learn many things from my team members.

  • My Experience

    I had a fantastic experience with this. I learn many things even those which I never try to do. Our team members shares their talents, knowledge and emotions. This project also gave me new friends and a new experience that might be possible earlier.

14 Feb, 2011


  • Role

    Project Demonstrator & Report Developer

  • My Introduction

    Explain Briefly later

  • My Contribution

    Explain Briefly later

  • My Experience

    Explain Briefly later

14 Feb, 2011


  • Role

    Report Developer

  • My Introduction

    Explain Briefly later

  • My Contribution

    Explain Briefly later

  • My Experience

    Explain Briefly later

2 Feb, 2011

Special thanks to:

  • Firstly ThinkQuest!

    It was a great experience for all of us to work in such an exciting International Competition organised by Oracle. We learnt so many skills such as how to solve any problem, how to work in a team and the most important, the team spirit which will help us further. After going through the project we felt a certain change in us too, we started thinking critically on every situation. We were feeling superior from the other students as for every situation we try to think exclusively. Apart from all these, we learned some great life skills and living a stress-free life. It was a wonderful and thrilling experience with Thinkquest, for sure. It really trained us to Think, Create and Innovate.

  • Our School, The Workshop For Our Project

    Our school was like a backbone in accomplishing project . Thank you KV2 Patiala, for such a big support and doing immense faith on us. Thank you computer lab, physics lab and all the students for cooperating and made this project on fire.

  • The Teachers

    A couple of teachers were very much helpful to us. We realised thier true help when we had survey in our school and at the time of interviews. They had a great faith on us and counselled us in exigency.

  • Our Parents, Relatives And Moreover, Our Friends

    Our parents supported us tremendously! They identified the talent in us and supported us enormously. Sometimes parents disagreed us to participate in other activities when there was the pressure of 10th class board exams, but our parents helped us in managing out worktime and study time. They also guided us and sorted out the solutions whenever we had a dilemma regarding our project.Our friends too helped us in finding out the ideas for our posters and with other drawing stuffs.

  • The Internet

    Well who does not know that internet is a source of great knowledge. It helped us extensively in almost every stage of our project. It boosted our critical skills.

13 Feb, 2011

People,made this project,to reach its height

  • Our School's Principal

    Ms. Nisha Yadav

  • Interviewed

    Archana Mahajan (Profession) | Rajeev Verma (Profession)

  • Teachers

    Ms. Ranjana Nayyar (TGT Science) | Ms. Harvinder Kaur (TGT Science) | Ms. Harjinder Kaur (PGT Physics) | Mr. Vidya Kishor (PGT Physics) |

  • Apart from all these people there where many teachers that helped us in many places

    A very thanks to all of them!