»Stress - Fight or Flight Response

22 Feb, 2011

Stress. What is it?

We have already discussed about stress in begining of the project. And till now you would be considering stress always a really harmful thing for us. Well the answer is NO!

As a coin has two sides, similarly stress has also two aspects, you all are familiar with its bad face but do you know it is also beneficial? Let's see how..... 

Stress - Fight or Flight responce

Do you know that little instant stress is actually itself a good thing for you? Do not believe? Well, stress is also know as Fight or Flight responce. Do you know why? It is so because human beings have got a function to power up some specific hormones or glands and nervous system. Adrenal gland situated on upper side of each kidney secretes hormones in blood when a person faces stress or danger. These hormones increases the metabolic activities like, increase in heart beat or breathing rate and thus your muscles become more active to even do your stressful work. That is why adrenal gland is known as the glands of emergency. You would have noticed many time that you started sweating at that time, it is so because your sweat glands starts functioning at the time to cool up your body. Even your eye sight improves at that situation. Isn't human body simply miraculous! That is the reason it is also know as fight or flight responce. It is increadibly an awesome feeling which even corrects or completes a task which you are scared of. In this case, the stress actually makes the body prepared to meet the tough situations with lots of focus and alertness.

Stress - Harmful/Useful?

Stress is actually not a bad thing all of the time. Without stress, life would be boring and seem emotionless. It fills our life with excitment and spiciness. Only after going through Stress, we learn to cope with stress next time at that situation. Stress can be the excited feeling we get when getting ready for a important event. But seeing the other side of stress, it is also harms a lot (we are now taking about prevalent stress here). Well, lets name it as Bad Stress. It sticks to our body and we are unable to respond to the outer surroundings properly. It sometime leads to depression and then later you can depict how disastrous it can be. We can define it as when the stress become frequent it is called prevalent stress or bad stress. 

So now what?

So from now in this project we will be talking about the Bad Stress or the damaging one or 'Prevalent Stress'. As it is really harmful and it almost occur in everyones day-today life, we will be trying to tweak this out from teens in order to tweak depression from teenage.

Now check out the chart below. The chart shows how frequent they get stressed (See the 3rd page if you wish to know about our survey)

16 Feb, 2011


1 Stress , This is the stage which almost every person suffers in his day-today life and it is actually good for our body and better performance. Remember everything is good until it is limited. If you notice that you are getting irritable and losing patience too fast, it's time to worry.
2 Prevalent Stress, When this second stage starts to set in, you are likely to feel exhausted and confused all the time, specially in studies.   
3 Depression, When the mind and the body are unable to bear the constant pressure, they 'Snap' or simply comes to stage of Depression. This is when a total breakdown happens.
4 Feb, 2011

Chart depicting how frequently some teens get stressed

Vertically is the levels of interval teens get stressed
Horizontally is the percentage of those teens
13 Feb, 2011

I am stressed

ARE YOU always on run? Trying to chase studies?
If you are, Pause! Take stock and re-orient your life
13 Feb, 2011

Symptoms of a stressful person

So how can we differentiate good or bad stress? How longer we can consider stress to be normal? How to know that someone is 'badly' stressed?

Are all these questions running in your mind? Let's discuss them briefly here.

Here are few symptoms that can be seen in a stressful person. These are arranged in accordance to the results of our survey (Arranged as Most common at top in decreasing order)

  • Regular Tension
  • Irritation on most of the things during stress 
  • Difficult in concentrating on work or studies
  • Physical tiredness or lack of energy
  • Difficult having sound sleep
  • Increase in heart beat at the spot which is stressfull for you
  • Lack of interest in those activities which used to be very amusing.

 These all are few things you generally suffer during stress. But if you start suffering couple of these symptoms frequently you can consider it to be prevalent Stress.If these symptoms persist for more than 6 weeks.Then it's a danger alarm. Yes! the dangerous one, "Bad Stress". It could harm your body affectively. It could later came to Depression stage in many people which is considered a really serious illness.

17 Jan, 2011

Results of the Q1 from our survey

We included a question in our survey in which ten basic symptoms of stress and depression were given and the teens choosed one out of "Never, Sometime, Most Often and Always" for each the given symptoms. The result is shown in the chart.
Want to see your result too?
Check out our game "Stress-O-Meter" in the page Fun activities.
22 Feb, 2011

Causes of Stress in Teens

Stress can never be pinpointed to single cause. Different people consider different situations as stress. Things that causes stress are known as Stressors.

These are few stressors found generally in teens

  • Abuse or conflict at home
  • Decrease in academic performance
  • Frequent health problems
  • Peer pressure
  • Poor social skills
  • Stressful life events, particularly break-up, loss of a parent to death or divorce
  • The death of a friend or relative
  • Unstable care giving by parents
  • Exams pressure
  • Excess Homework
  • Conflict with friends

Apart from these, most of the teens get stressed when they change school, city or country as it takes lots of time to adapt with that place. Being over-sheduled is another big cause of stress which often make teens stressed.