»Depression - You are not alone!

2 Feb, 2011

Depression: Affecting People Of All Age

Everyone experience sadness occationally, but it can never be considered to be Depression. Depression is a mental disorder which completely disables a person functioning normally.

So what factors can be responsible to develop depression in a person? How one can identify he is actually suffering from depression? What one can do to overcome from depression?

Let us see how....

22 Feb, 2011

I feel like, I am alone...

5 Feb, 2011

What Causes Depression?

A single factor can never be responsible for all the types of depression. There are several factors which adds up to the causes of depression. However these factors comes up in imbalance of bodies neurochemical or harmonal changes or in the external factors which includes emotional and physical strain.

Stress, environment, multiple illness, genetic or hormonal changes during teenage are few common factors that most likely to cause depression. One suffers from depression most of the time when he is dealing with so many stressful events. That is why it is said that, stress leads to depression.

Depression due to Stress

We have discussed in the begining of the project that Prevalent stress is the most common and effective cause of depression. We have also discussed the causes of stress earlier and few of them are loss of clossed ones, frequent illness etc. When a person suffers these frequent stressful events, depression can eventually develop in him. Stress comes up in the list of Environmental factors as stress is caused due to change in environmental factors.

Depression due to Genetics

Scientists believes that depression can run through family to family and the risk of depression increases in that person if close relative also affected by depression in past. However, this does not mean that the person will automatically develop depression. But there are lots of other environmental factors that creates depression.

Stanford School of Medicine says that a parent with depression increases the child's risk of developing depression in his teenage from 10% to 30%.

You can see a best example on the page 'Depression Stories', A story of a girl who suffered depression which ran to her through his father genetically.

Depression due to illness

Frequent and serious illness often leads to depression. Diseases like, cancer, physical disability and even obesity often develops depression in Teens.

Depression due to neurochemical or harmonal changes

In a Depressed person, the brain functions differently than a normal person. His brain develops change in mood, thoughts and memory. This changes are called neurochemical changes. Hormonal changes during teenage also brings the risk of depression and that is why teenage is at highest risk group factor of depression.

18 Feb, 2011

Most Common Depression Types

  • Major Depression

    Major depression also known as Clinical Depression is the most common type of Depression. It sometime last for more than two weeks. Major depression not just cause sadness, irritability or hopelessness, but can prevent a person acting normally. Some people experience it once in lifetime but more commonly it is recurrent disorder. People suffer it a couple of time in thier life. The sufferer may experience insomnia or hypersomnia, loss in weight, loss of energy, difficult concentrating and repeatedly thinking for commiting suicide

  • Manic Depression

    Manic Depression also known as Bipolar Depression is a type of mood disorder,it include cycle of depression,in which mood swings from low to high and then back again to the same condition. Its sympotms includes lack of self-esteem, easily get distracted and lose of intrest in daily activities.

  • Atypical Depression

    Intrestingly the sufferer is sometime able to experience happiness. The sufferer may experience it for more than a month.

  • Seasonal Depression

    Seasonal Depression or seasonal affective disorder (SAD), is a type of depression in which people are attacked once in a year, Mostly in winters. Experts believes that it is caused due to decreased exposure to sunlight. It is not to much common but still have a large role in damaging someone. This type of Depression is treated mostly with light therapy

  • Dysthymic Depression

    Dysthymic Depression, also known as dysthymia, is a long-termed but comparatively less harmful as it may not disable a person but can prevent one functioning normally. The person may suffer two or more episodes of Dysthymic depression in his lifetime.

  • Post-traumatic stress syndrome

    Post-traumatic stress syndrome, commonly known as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a type of anxiety disorder that develops just after a person faces a personal assault or traumatic event of life. It last longly haunts a perosn for years It brings lots of physical loss to the body. This type of depression usually occurs when a person faces accident, voilent or personal relative conflicts. This remains for long as the person runs the thoughts and memories of that event in his mind. He may feel guilt or irritability and always try to engage himself in self-destructive behaviours. They sometime becomes very angry and voilent

22 Feb, 2011

Cry for help

2 Feb, 2011



A big misunderstanding which is commonly seen everywhere around us! People unable to distinguish between Stress, Prevalent Stress, Depression and simple emotional sadness, specially teens. Teenage brings many changes that effects mood and behaviour and it becomes difficult to identify it as depression or mood swing. We hope after viewing the 1st page you would be able to distinguish between these but still it becomes difficult to observe that what actually one is suffering from, Depression or Prevalent Stress. So let's once again discuss for it and clear this confusion properly.

During our survey, we asked teens this question,

Have you ever faced Heavy Depression?

Due to less awarness regarding the topic, most of them expressed stressful events as depression and the result was:

27% Yes and 73% No

However few of them choosed rightly.

So below this page you can see the right symptoms of Depression and consider exactly what is stress.

Additionaly you can visit our page 'Fun Activities' and try 'Depression Test' to have a short idea of stress or depression. But remember please do not alter on the result, it is just for an idea.

4 Feb, 2011

See What are The Symptoms Of Teen Dipression

People suffering from depression do not experiences similar symptoms. Below we have stated some most common and general symptoms of Teens Dipression.  

  • Problem having sound sleep (insomnia)

As we all know, Sleep is very benificial for healthy life. It is because during sleep a person recovers from the stress of the whole day. Scietificaly the body also repairs the dead cells, regualte cholestrol level and improve heartbeat rate.Person suffering from depression is often seen having sleep diorders. It is very common among all the symptoms. The person suffering from depression finds dfficult sleeping in nights. Unfortunatly less sleeping later leads to double trouble depression because when the person unable to sleep, definatly tend to ruminate on thier problems. It is just not the case that the person will difficult having sound sleep but waking up early morning or frequently during night is also a symptoms of depression.

  • Bad performance in school or college

Another most know symptom of Depression specially among teens.

  • Feeling of Hoplessness, Worthlessness or Helplessness  
  • Feeling Tired and unenergetic
  • Feeling Guilty
  • Avoiding Family Members
  • Some Physical Problems Like muscle aches, stomach aces, headaches or digestive problems without any medical cause 
  • Alcohol Abuse
  • Less communication with other people
  • Feeling irritated
  • Neglect Of appearance
  • loss of a parent/relative/closed one
  • Thoughts of suicide
22 Feb, 2011

Someone help me!